
Updates on 9/22/12!

And so, here is our first batch of updates!

   - More short stories added to the Short Stories page!
   - Another novel added to the Novels page!
   - A brand new page entitled The Great Star Wars Trek, dedicated to posting the web-series right here!  (More episodes to be added soon.)

And also, a question!  What would you, the viewer, like to see added to this site to make it more enjoyable for you?



Welcome to Michael Gabriel Becker Enterprises!  Here is the home of all things related to the author Michael Gabriel Becker, including his short stories!  Along the right side of the page, you will see a list of links taking you to either his novels, short stories or essays, and then a "Subscribe by E-mail" function.

Be sure to read up on his novels and then subscribe to get the latest updates!

Updates will include, more short stories, a web-series, games and much, much more!