10,000 A.D. CalenYear 10000. The 1000th Century. Call it what you will, but it all leads to the same thing. This is now the present. This is now.
Professor John Newman. A teacher at the University of History in New York. A man who is hunted by an trained professional, calling John, "the bug."
His twin brother: Patrick. A man of mystery. A secretive person. A programmer at ISUTS, the International Society of the Unity of Time and Space. A man who knows a secret about ISUTS that could destroy that company forever and ruin its name.
Brian Thompson. CEO of ISUTS, the company which founded time travel. NASA answers to him and that company. A man who somehow seems to be orchestrating every event that happens on Earth.
Operation Genesis. A secret project set to take the entire universe and bring it back in time. Why? For one man to go through time and fix every wrong that has happened on Earth.
Three ordinary people. Somehow all intertwined in the greatest conspiracy the world has ever known. But when time starts reversing itself and the entire universe goes back in time, instead of gaining more time, they have instead run out of time.
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